Among New Sensitivities: Emotion, Dance and New Technologies


This presentation analyzes the creative process of the project Emovere: Body, Sound and Movement, directed by Francisca Morand and Javier Jaimovich, considering its interdisciplinary creation spaces and modes.

Emovere emphasized the fact that emotional states are related to physiological expressions that are captured using technology in order to develop an interactive model that contemplates dance, sound and visuals. Through this capture and interaction, the performance generates a specific sound and visual space from the movement of the performers, where the limits of the body are expanded and a specific corporality is generated. Then the different emotional states acquire other sound, visual and corporal properties, reaching a correlate for the sensible order and a particular aesthetic quality that is only possible due to the interaction of the set of elements in play. This way, new forms of appearing and experiencing are generated as other perceptive logics are stimulated.

Based on the aforementioned, from a perspective that is external to the project because it is ethnographic, an analysis of the interrelation of the various procedures that took place in Emovere’s interdisciplinary creation laboratory is sought, with an emphasis on dance. How a new sensitive and aesthetic quality of emotion was generated considering the relationship between dance and technology; which materialities came into play and how they were intertwined; which methodologies were used and what were the different creation places are some of the questions that guided this work.

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